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How many people do the meal plans feed?

Each meal is approximately 4-6 servings, with a few freezer-friendly soups and stews serving even more. These plans work great for small families or couples who like leftovers.

Cost will vary depending on your location, if you have a well stocked pantry, and other items you may need to purchase. However we’ve had some users report their weekly grocery bills using our meal plans be from $60-75 dollars. That’s only $12.50 per meal with four (or more) servings.

You can simply log in to your LeanCuisineGuide account and in the upper right hand corner click on My Account, and you can update your email address. Or you can always email us at and we’ll gladly help you.

Are all of the recipes for dinners?

Yes these meal plans are designed to take the work out of dinner planning, while leaving flexibility for you to choose your own breakfast and lunch. Many people end up having leftovers available that can double as lunches for the next day.

Yes you sure can! Follow the instructions in the Meal Plans Gift Card Product listing to send to someone else.

You must purchase a LeanCuisineGuide Meal Plan in order to gain access to our Facebook group. We will then verify your purchase, and approve you into the group.